How I got here
It all begins with an idea. The first idea may not be the best, but it needs investigating regardless. The process to developing a product as a product designer is a fine line between structure and spontaneity; you need to be able to investigate an area in detail either collected qualitative or quantitative data and have the ability to identify when you have reached your saturation to move on to the next phase.
Once you have gathered your data and hit the saturation of data, you need to analyse it from two fronts. The first is to analyse it statistically, gather the main data and look at it impartially as a statistical fact. The second is to identify trends using your gut feeling as a designer. If the two begin to meld together, you know that you are going in the right direction.
Once you have gathered your information, identified the trends you can then begin to apply what you have learnt to your design process. This is where the fun begins and can create products that not only aesthetically look pleasing but also have a strong foundation to develop a functional product that has a place and need in the market.
If you would like to view the final outcome of the project please follow the link below
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